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De Shipibo: het behoud van hun culturele erfgoed en het bewaken van de Amazone

The Shipibo, the largest population of the Peruvian Amazon, stood in the vast cultural heritage and new spiritual bands in the jungle. The Shipibo population, which lives in the city of the Ucayali-rivier, has a population of people living in the manner of life, thanks to the iron of modernity and natural problems. This article describes the various functions of the Shipibo subculture, according to the ontberingen en vasthoudendheid the hen kenmerken.

Belangrijke aspects of Shipibo-culture en uitdagingen

Category Description
Historical context Shipibo leven langs de Ucayali-Rivier, afhankelijk van hun omgeving voor bronnen en spiritualiteit.
Impact of Colonization In the 19th and 20th years the culture of the missionaries, landroof and walls, with large aanpassingen dead people changed.
Cultural use Harmony with nature, the respect for the spiritual world; geloof in de geest „oni“ which connects all levende wezens.
art and symbolism Kené cartridges in textiles, ceramics and works of art with geometric designs that reflect culture and spirit.
Traditional Genealogy Diepgaande kennis van geneeskrachtige plans, waaronder het gebruik van Ayahuasca voor spirituale genezing en begeleiding.
Ayahuasca ceremonies Geleid for sjamanen, used Ayahuasca om contact met geesten te maken, vaak begeleid for holy songs, de Icaros .
Modern developments Bedreigingen door ontbossing, oil industry, en landroof the hun cultuur en traditionale levensstijl bedreigingen.
legal defense Activism for land and human rights; Initiate from traditional areas and hulpbronnen.

Historical context

Historical context

One of the diverse international organizations that lived in the Amazon jungle is Shipibo. Hun leven is court on the rivier in the bosgebied, the hen hulpbronnen, voedsel en spirituale begeleiding biden. Hun omgeving is used with the natural world. The Shipibo were historically located in groepshuizen the **“Sjamanen“ are used,** which function as places for ceremonies. The colonization took place before the new situation and the colonization was brought to life.

The Shipibo-beschaving onderging in the negentiende en twintigste eeuw a enormous disturbing door of the come of missionaries and immigrants. Bedreigingen voor hun bestaan ​​​​beschermden ontbossing, landinname en het various van recente Ziekten. The Shipibo-canteens really have a wide range of uses in order to adapt to changing situations and use the equipment to make the most of the food and drink.

Culture used in viewpoints

A complicit world view that the nadruk lays op harmony with nature and recognition of the spiritual world is essential for the Shipibo-levens style. The geest **“oni,“** which unites all levende wezens, wordt vereerd door the Shipibo people. Hun moves tonen a diep respect voor de natuurlijke world and ze zien zichzelf as the protectors of the rain forest. Hun mythology hosts a big root in a valley goden, Elk gerelateerd on the wonderlijke edges of the bestaan ​​​​and the natural world.

Culture used in viewpoints

The art of the Shipibo-mensen, with the name of a textile woven, is one of the most critical cultural markers. The ship is made from a wide range of cartridges and designs, which can be used in nature. The geometric designs are known as „kené,“** and have been used in paintings, textiles and ceramics, as well as in a specification that relates to the cultural behavior and religion of the dragger. These avenues are highly decorative, with a link to the universe and the front of the Shipibo cafeteria.

Ayahuasca in traditional genetics

The Shipibo-mensen stands in the Hun diepgaande kennis van traditionalele geneeskunde, with the name met Betrekking tot de toepassing van bloemen en kruiden. Ze zijn goed thuis in de medicinale kwaliteiten van diverse bloemen die te zijn zijn in het Amazone-regenwoud. There are medical and spiritual traditions in the use of **ayahuasca,** and a hallucinogenic infusion already available from ayahuasca-wijnstok and other cultures. Ayahuasca wordt used in rituelen door sjamanen, of **“onanya,“ om te communicaten met geesten, begeleiding te zoeken en zieken te genesen.

Ayahuasca in traditional genetics

Diep worded in the Shipibo-levenswijze, the rituals are carried out regularly with the making of a song of **“icaros,“** holy songs that are related to the geesten van de vegetatie en voorouders. Ayahuasca ceremonies are carried out before the experience of a person on the children’s side, after genezing is carried out in individual and organizational problems.

Modern mobility

In the modern world there are many Shipibo-canteens with plenty of furniture, thanks to which the cultural experience has been achieved. Hun traditionale ground en manier van leven lopen gevaar door aantasting van het milieu, met name door illegale houtkap, ontbossing en vervuilende stoffen uit de oil production. Bovendien brengt de invasion of zakelijke en agrarian concerns hun culturale praktijken in gevaar en verstoort het hun toegang tot cruciale hulpbronnen.

The Shipibo-mensen hebben de afgelopen jaren het motief op zich genomen om hun land te beschermen en hun right te behouden. With these problems, you will have to go to court in the future scenario. Inheemse cultures now have a platform for their behavior and the development of their traditions, which suffers a lot of interest in the vanuit de hele sector.

Last thought

Verkracht, an adaptable and strong band with the Amazon Jungle has always been exposed to the Shipibo cafeteria. Ze blijven de uitdagingen van de moderniteit aangaan als rentmeesters van hun omgeving en traditie, terwijl ze tegelijkertijd werken aan het hooghouden van hun identiteit en woonten. The Shipibo serve as a reminder of the costs of the world’s largest cultures and know-how, which are part of the international community’s access to the international community and have access to the law.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Kené cartridges are geometric designs that Shipibo converts into text and art. Ze hebben spirituele en culturalle betekenissen and connect de drager with now voorouders en de natural world.

Ayahuasca is a traditional plant-based infusion that is used in traditional Syrian rituals to provide spiritual generosity and inspiration.

The Shipibo has been confronted with ontbossing, landroof and vervuiling door of the oil industry, which has a large area of ​​land and culture in gevaar.

The Shipibo raised various initiatives in the court of law and in front of discussions with the Peruvian government in the Hun region, culture and the right to defend themselves.